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Top Highlights from 16/12/19 - 05/01/20
Posted on
06 January 2020
Our Top Highlight from
16/12/19 - 05/01/20
Cargo - 0.41.0
Chrome browser - 79.0.3945.88
ChromeOS - 79.0.3945.86
CoffeeScript - 2.5.0
Craft CMS - 3.3.19
Django - 3.0.2
Drupal - 8.8.1
Homebrew - 2.2.2
Joomla - 3.9.14
Laravel - 6.9.0
Linux Mint - 19.3
Meteor.js - 1.8.3
NativeScript - 6.3.2
Nginx - 1.17.7
Node.js - 12.14.0
OctoberCMS - 462
Phalcon PHP - 4.0.0
PHP - 7.4.1
Python - 3.8.1
RethinkDB - 2.4.0
Ruby - 2.7.0
Ruby on Rails -
RubyGems - 3.1.2
Rust - 1.40.0
SilverStripe - 4.5.0
Sinatra -
Sketch - 61.2
Slim - 4.4.0
Symfony - 5.0.2
Typescript - 3.7.4
UIKit - 3.2.6
Vivaldi - 2.10 (1745.23)
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